A personalized, self-paced productivity course

The Digital Productivity Coach assesses your current productivity skills. You answer some simple questions: then the Coach gives you a short tutorial that helps you with a skill you can improve at, related to inbox zero, task management, and note-taking.

Meet The Digital Productivity Coach

The Digital Productivity Coach is a tool that assesses your productivity skills.

Here’s exactly how it works.When you first open the Coach:1. You’ll answer a few simple questions
2. The coach will recommend one high-impact skill to work on
3. You’ll start making improvements to your productivity right away
4. Once you feel comfortable with that skill, ask the Digital Productivity Coach for your next step
Over time, you’ll build a complete productivity system. With each small step, you’ll see your outcomes improve for the work you care about most.

Ever feel overwhelmed by productivity tips, tools, and gurus?

“I constantly try new apps and tools to get organized and yet I never get anything done!”

It seems like every month, there’s a new software tool that promises to solve your productivity problems. Should you migrate to the new tool, or use the same thing you’ve been using for years? Evernote seems to work fine, but it has been a bit sluggish recently... And those new updates have all those bugs... would switching to Roam help? Or maybe Notion? And Obsidian looks promising...Beyond the software tools, there are constantly new “productivity gurus” talking about new productivity methodologies that promise to help you wrangle your projects and organize your notes. Which one should you trust? Even if you have a good feeling about one, their courses are so expensive…Just doing your work is hard enough - making all these decisions feels like a second full-time job. It’s hard to know who to trust, which methodologies or software tools to use. It’d be easier to just default to what’s already working for you, and let your tasks and notes pile up for another day…

Let’s imagine what working at your computer could feel like…

After using the Digital Productivity Coach, your inbox will be empty, and you’ll have your tasks and notes organized like they’ve never been before. You’ll feel motivated and inspired, and be ready to move forward with your projects and goals in a whole new way.In the coming months, you’ll be used to operating at a completely different level of execution. You’ll have completed many major deliverables, whether it’s for your career or your side projects. These will bring you new opportunities, skills, and connections. You’ll feel confident that you are capable of accomplishing any goal you set, of realizing any dream or vision you can imagine.

Here’s what you get

An interactive coach for digital productivity, available 24⁄7 to give you a feasible next step to improve your productivity skills.

You'll get access to a Notion webpage that helps you assess your productivity skills.Given its assessment of your skills, you'll receive a specific productivity skill for you to work on as well as expert recommendations for how to do so.The Digital Productivity Coach is structured around our map of the productivity territory.The Coach includes 40 separate steps, starting with the most basic fundamentals all the way to productivity mastery, as well as 15 optional topics for further development of your skills.

Digital Fluency

Learn to master the digital apps you use everyday.

Task Management

Get clear on your tasks and learn how to identify your most important work.

Personal Knowledge Management

Learn how to capture your ideas and actually be able to find them in the future.

Each step you take in the Digital Productivity Coach will improve your performance, your ability towards productivity mastery.You'll always have the most up to date version of the Digital Productivity Coach. We're always adding new content and refining the material; you'll always have access to our most best recommendations and advice.

Writer, researcher, and educator

Mandy Leetch

My computer was a cluttered, messy space, with many open tabs and files and folders dumped randomly. I bought organizers and journals, tried lots of software tools, and I would build complicated, silly digital systems which ended up making these tools useless. They stopped working for me, and I stopped using them entirely.The Coach was immediately helpful and gave me things to work on right away. I started using Instapaper, Evernote, and Todoist, and it told me specifically how and why to use these tools. I was able to implement them without additional, unnecessary steps. I continue to use them daily. Now I have no open tabs, organized folders, and Inbox Zero. I thought I could leave things sitting there, but archiving and organizing everything makes such a big difference to my mental load.

Here are some of the productivity myths that are holding you back:

Myth #1: Productivity is confusing and overwhelming

You’re not wrong. There are so many tools and approaches to productivity out there, and they're always changing. It is confusing. It is overwhelming.That’s why we built the Digital Productivity Coach. It’s our job to make sound recommendations for you as to what tools to use, and how to use them. It’s our job to find the signal in the noise, the needle in the haystack, and give you sane defaults - to simplify the confusion so you can get back to working on what matters to you.

Myth #2: I need the perfect app to be productive

There are a lot of tools out there, and they’re all trying to convince you that they’re the silver bullet, the magic solution, the final answer to all your problems- and that if you use anything else, you’re doomed to be scattered and disorganized for the rest of time.Here’s a secret about the productivity world: it actually doesn’t matter that much which tool you use. While a well-designed app can certainly help, there are a number of solutions that are good enough. Learning the basic fundamentals will allow you to be productive, no matter which tool you end up using.

Myth #3: I’ll never be able to stick to a system

When you’re focused on tools, it’s easy to get discouraged. You use a tool for a while, and it seems to be helping - but then something in your life comes up, and you let it fall by the wayside - and you’re back to square one. How are you supposed to stick with a regular tool or system?A solid productivity system should help you adapt to the circumstances of your life - rather than needing your life to be shackled to your productivity system. Even if you switch jobs, or change productivity tools, the same principles should help you focus on what matters, even if “what matters” is a moving target.

Get ready to start operating at an entirely different level of execution.

After using the Digital Productivity Coach, your inbox will be empty, and you’ll have your tasks and notes organized like they’ve never been before.You’ll feel motivated and inspired, and be ready to move forward with your projects and goals in a whole new way.You’ll have completed many major deliverables, whether it’s for your career or your side projects. These will bring you new opportunities, skills, and connections.You’ll feel confident that you are capable of accomplishing any goal you set, of realizing any dream or vision you can imagine.

Get The Digital Productivity Coach


Sílvia Bastos

I used to be very stressed by my work. During the week, I would remember the tasks that I wanted to do- but I didn't have anywhere to put them. I would get overwhelmed; I knew there was so much that I needed to do, but I couldn't remember everything.Now, every time I think of a task, I put it in Todoist. I can relax, because all of my tasks are there. Making a project list was also very helpful - it showed me how many different things I have going on. Now, before I take on something new, I really think about it: if I have the time for it, if I want to do it, if it's more important than any other projects I have.Sometimes it feels like the things you want to achieve are so big that you don't even know where to start. The Digital Productivity Coach gives you a very clear, actionable next step. Once you realize what the next step is, you're already doing it - you're moving towards your goals.

Money Back Guarantee

Productivity is a meta skill. Being more productive in one area of your life leads to you shifting how you think about other areas of your life.We’re convinced that improving digital productivity skills can dramatically alter the course of your life and goals, whether it’s your career, your side projects, or both.That’s why we’re willing to guarantee that you’ll find using the Digital Productivity Coach valuable. We want it to be 100% risk-free for you.If you complete the curriculum within the Digital Productivity Coach, and still don’t find the course valuable, we’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of your purchase.Who is the Digital Productivity Coach for?

  • Professionals who want to be on top of their work

  • Entrepreneurs who want to build projects that make an impact and bring in revenue

  • Creators who want to get more done and feel more at ease when making things at their computer

Who is the Digital Productivity Coach not for?You don’t need this if:

  • You’re a Getting Things Done pro.

  • You’re totally happy with your productivity systems.

Executive Director, Dharma Gates

Aaron Stryker

Our non-profit started quite small, but has been growing steadily in the last couple of years. I knew how to run our non-profit at a smaller scale, but I've struggled to adapt as we've grown.My task manager was very cluttered, and I didn't know what to do when. It turned out that I was using it to track events and notes in addition to tasks.After using the Digital Productivity Coach, I started using a calendar a dedicated notes app. Since then, I would guess that my productivity has increased by a factor of 10. It's actually possible to do my job now, since I've learned how to be productive and organized at a scale that can actually grow. I’d highly recommend this for basically anyone.


What exactly is the Digital Productivity Coach?The Digital Productivity Coach gives you a feasible next step to improve your digital productivity skills. By asking you a series of questions, it identifies one high-impact productivity related skill you can work on. Learning this skill will improve your outcomes in the work you care about.Are there any prerequisites for using the Digital Productivity Coach?You need a computer with internet access, and you need to know how to type and use a mouse. That’s about it!Whatever skill level you’re at, whatever tools you’re already using (or not), we’ll help you identify a specific next step for you to work on that will help you move forward with your journey towards productivity mastery!Do I get to work with James or Tasshin?The Basic version of the Digital Productivity Coach is designed for you to use it at your own pace, without the support or guidance of a live human coach like James or Tasshin.Rest assured, we’ve packed every last bit of knowledge we have about productivity into the Digital Productivity Coach - it’s like you’re working with a virtual version of one of us!That said, if you prefer working with a human, you can pick the tier that includes both the Digital Productivity Coach and a 1:1 coaching call with James. Sometimes it helps to have a warm, friendly human presence helping you get started!What’s the difference between the Basic, Coaching, and Bulk versions of the Digital Productivity Coach?All versions include full access to the Digital Productivity Coach.The Coaching version includes a 1:1 call with James Stuber, to get you started on the right foot.The Bulk version includes licenses for up to 25 people at your business or organization; the Basic version is priced for one individual. Non-profit pricing and bulk licensing for more than 25 people is available on request.Couldn’t I find this material online for free?Yes! Much of this material is available online for free: on blogs (including our own), YouTube videos, Twitter threads, and more. One main benefit of the Digital Productivity Coach is that it gathers all that information in one place, organized in a way that will help you.Using the Digital Productivity Coach will save you a tremendous amount of time and research, so you can implement best productivity practices without getting sucked into time-sinking productivity rabbit holes.Why $50?We’ve repeatedly seen that even one recommendation from the Digital Productivity Coach can be incredibly valuable. Because the Coach identifies the best next step for you to work on, you’re going to get a tremendous amount of value out of using the Digital Productivity Coach, even just once.The Coach includes all of the best productivity advice and wisdom we’ve found over the years. We’ve spent years refining and iterating on these recommendations, from implementing them ourselves and with our clients.The cost of the Coach covers our costs, so we can continue to create and evolve a high-quality product that can help as many people as possible.What’s your refund policy?
We offer a full money back guarantee. If you complete the curriculum within the Digital Productivity Coach, and still don’t find the course valuable, we’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of your purchase.
What if I can’t afford it?
We want to share what we know as widely as possible. Productivity systems like the ones you can learn from The Coach are empowering, and we wish to remove barriers to entry where possible. If purchasing the DPC would cause financial strain, email us and we can work something out.
I still have questions!
Send James an email (james@jamesstuber.com).

There’s so much value in the Digital Productivity Coach. Upgrading your productivity systems will impact your ability to manage your projects and knowledge at work and at home, for fun and for profit.With these skills in place, your ability to act on the projects that matter to you will improve significantly, and you’ll start seeing dramatic positive changes in your work and your life.

Social Worker

Chris Markham

Before using the Digital Productivity Coach, I often questioned why I had a smartphone and I usually dreaded checking my inbox. The Digital Productivity Coach offered me simple, practical, and actionable suggestions. After using it on just a few occasions and adopting only a handful of changes, the difference over the past year feels radical. The framing and approach offered by the Digital Productivity Coach assisted me in changing my relationship to technology so that it fits my life. Now it feels like my devices and digital tools are supporting me to do what I think is important.

Get The Digital Productivity Coach

Who built this?

Hi, I'm James!I live in Seattle, Washington. I'm a productivity coach, a Senior Mentor for BASB, and a YouTuber.

And I’m Tasshin!I’m an extremely online pilgrim wandering this precious world for the benefit of all beings. 💗

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